Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sweet Boy

One of the many things that have happened in the last few weeks is that Micah now has  many friends!
More things:
His hair is filling in darker and thicker!
He started preschool two mornings a week.
He got his stateside immunizations caught up.
He now sleeps in his crib in a room shared with Bennett. (one week down!)
We can leave the bedroom before the boys are asleep. (two days down! Brad and I can have more conversations now!!)
He likes swinging on a big boy swing. The baby swing didn't last very long with him.
Communication is going better.
At his one month check-up he only gained a few ounces - so I guess he won't be having a big growth spurt.
He's not eating as much as he did at first.

We are thankful for all the growth that we see!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

One month home

Micah loves time at Grandma's house and with his cousins. What fun to be be babied! The neighbor kids are so good to him, too. They love to help him do just about anything!

Micah really enjoys animals but is wary of them. Here at the Mannheim Farm show he talked excitedly quite often as we walked around checking out the various animals. He did NOT want to be out of his stroller.

We have been home one month tomorrow. WOW! Where did time go - It seems so long ago that we had the first week of so many firsts. Our boy will probably always be one of those busy types but things continue to go smoother. More later!